Architectural Technology Transfer on the Silk Road. Iranian Double-Shell Domes and the West, 14th to 20th Century

DOMES Project


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Iranian Domes

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DOMES in the news

Prisma n. 58 (Dec. 2023)
SBU Website
UniBo Magazine

An EU-funded project

DOMES [Architectural Technology Transfer on the Silk Road: Iranian Double-Shell Domes and the West: 14th to 20th Century] has been awarded a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Action [MSCA] Global Fellowship for the years 2023-26. This fellowship is intended to fund the mobility of researchers outside Europe: the first 2 years will be spent at the University of Tehran, Iran, followed by a return phase of 1 year to the University of Bologna. Visit the Project’s EU page here.

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